Here is a record of some of the publicity TDCC has received...
"Felting group promote Ross' assets" (June 2016)
"Make do and mend" (Hereford Times, May 2016)
"Try out the Make & Mend Cafe" (Ross Gazette, May 2016)
"Ross Lions Club help young dancers" (Ross Gazette, March 2016)
"Make & Mend Cafe opens at Tudorville" (Ross Gazette, March 2016)
"Panto trip for Youth Club" (Ross Gazette, February 2016)
"Look back at TDCC" - Library photo exhibition launch (Ross Gazette, October 2015)
"Fabulous Felting" (Ross Gazette, July 2015)
"Tudorville Community Centre benefits from Royal connections" (Ross Gazette, June 2015)
"Tudorville through the Years" - Exhibition Launch (Ross Gazette, June 2015)
"Talent on Show" - Exhibition Launch (Ross Gazette, June 2015)
"TDCC Youth Club is going strong" (Ross Gazette, March 2015)
"The new Tudorville Lunch Club serves up" (Ross Gazette, August 2014)
"The National Lottery" - Funding received (Ross Gazette, August 2014)
"Skills Fayre improves lives of local residents" (Ross Gazette, July 2014)
"Free outdoor gym proposed for Tudorville" (Ross Gazette, May 2014)
This article pubicised TDCC's event 'Book Night', as part of World Book Night. (Ross Gazette, April 2014)
This article celebrated a generous donation to TDCC from Colin's Tyrecare. (Ross Gazette, December 2013)
This article publicised the Dog Training classes run by Serena Robinson at TDCC during the winter period. (Ross Gazette, December 2013)
Main article about the Royal Visit (Ross Gazette, November 2013)
These radio interviews were recorded during our Royal Visit from the Duke of Kent, in November 2013. They were broadcast on BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester. Why not have a listen...
Articles in anticipation of the Royal Visit... (Ross Gazette, November 2013)
Articles in anticipation of the Royal Visit... (Ross Gazette, November 2013)
"It's open and it's all ours" (Ross Gazette, January 2011)
"We would rather go naked than lose our centre" (Ross Gazette, October 2010)
"Fundraising continues for Tudorville Community Centre" (Ross Gazette, 2010)